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Infant ll

(7 months - 13 months)

Our teachers nurture this critical stage in your child's development by allowing them to respond to, adapt to, and learn about their surroundings using all of their senses. They're engaged in activities that help them make associations between sounds and sights and develop an awareness of their environment all while still providing unique and flexible feeding and sleep schedules curated for each child. 

Explore the Infant ll classroom

Take a look at how we set up our classroom for infants. It’s organized for their age and stage of learning and development.


Social Emotional Development

Begin to express preferences and interests, express feelings, pay attention and respond to name and images of self, and begin to relate to other children.


Creative Arts

Begin to focus on and show a fascination for fun toys and activities, show interest in art tools, and begin to purposefully act on his enviroment.


Physical Development

Manipulate small objects exploring how they can be combined and changed and learn how to move from place, to place. 

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