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(4 years - 5 years)

Our preschool classroom's goal is to honor and inspire the incredible connections that children infer about the objects, actions, and people in the world around them. Our preschool classroom harnesses the energy of learning to create a focused, engaged environment in which children are poised to thrive. Through play and interactive dialogue, children are encouraged to express their own individuality, as well as appreciate the unique traits of others. Time to prepare for Kindergarten! 

Explore the Preschool Classroom

Take a look at how we set up our classroom for preschool students. It’s organized for their age and stage of learning and development.


Social Emotional


Show greater comfort with independence and increased feelings of self-worth,work at a task or activity for longer periods of time, and manage own behavior with increasing skill.


Creative Arts

Become more creative in dramatic play activities, focus on and show a fascination for fun things, and enjoy participating in group activities.


Physical Development

Move with enough control to perform more complex tasks, begin to perform self-help skills, and follow basic health and safety rules

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